How Your Motives Impact Your Destiny

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Written by Pastor Thomas Cherian

Categories: Devotion

Tags: motive destiny babel

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What motivates you? Motives are primary deciding factors that impact the steps leading to your destiny. Some motives are obvious, while others are hidden. But God sees it all.

The Bible says “God made humankind upright, but they have sought many evil schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). Humankind has been turning to evil since the fall of man. And 700 years after God sent the great flood to rid the earth of evil, we read what Noah’s descendants attempted.

They made plans to build a city and tower. They wanted to do something great for themselves, by themselves. They did it out of selfish motives. They failed to acknowledge and involve God in their endeavor.

Moving without God’s approval leads to destruction. When we don’t seek God’s help, we become independent—and independence from God leads to arrogance and rebellion. A rebellious attitude against God will leave you in ruins.

Independence from God in the story of the Tower of Babel shows us two things:

  1. Shinar becomes Babel (Genesis 11:7,9): Shinar was a place where there was one language. Everyone understood each other. But because of the rebellious motive of the people, God turned this calm and peaceful place into Babel—which means "confusion."
  2. Shinar becomes a desert (Genesis 11:8): The name Shinar means “city of rivers” or, a place of flourishing. The self-glorifying tower procured God’s disapproval. He disposed of their plans, ultimately scattering them to the ends of the earth. Since they deserted their Creator, the once-popular city became deserted.

There's nothing hidden from the all-knowing God (Hebrews 4:12-13). He knows my motives inside and out. He knows your motives too. The Spirit of God brings peace and calm. But when I disregard Him and His Word, the spirit of confusion prevails. Builders of great cities and nations have forgotten this truth and suffered great loss despite the enjoyment there is in sophisticated societies.

Depend on God and acknowledge His Word at all times (Proverbs 3:6; 16:3; Psalm 37:4). Seek God’s approval first, before participating in the affairs of this world. We need not necessarily follow what the people of this world follow. Be careful and vigilant in a spiritually vulnerable world. Let your motives be clear. And receive peace. Be ever-dependent on God for every step and you will reach your destination.

Adapted from the sermon, “How Your Motives Impact Your Destiny" by Rev. Thomas Cherian (October 28, 2018).

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