Giving is Receiving

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Written by Sneha Abraham

Categories: Devotion

Tags: giving entrusting rewards

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Much like credit card rewards schemes, when it comes to giving there are auto-generated rewards. You can choose cash back — the reward of immediate gratification and gain honor from people — or airline miles — save up the rewards for later and gain honor from God.

Financial experts say there are three things you should look for when you’re making an investment:

  1. Investments should be secure
  2. Investments should yield growth
  3. Investments should be liquid/accessible

Kingdom investments are all of those things: moth, rust and thieves can’t destroy or steal them; there are hundredfold returns; and the promise is that if we ask we shall receive.

Jim Elliot said, “Anything given to God immediately touches the realm of immortality.” When you die you can’t take anything with you, but you can definitely send it ahead of you. We can transfer our wealth into the coming kingdom.

Giving gives us a sense of direction and purpose in following Christ. Like the rich young ruler, going after Christ requires giving sacrificially. Unless and until you give, your heart cannot be God’s. When you do the giving first, the following becomes very easy.

Jesus tells us something radical in Matthew 6:2-4: “What your right hand is doing, your left hand should not know.” Live a life so generous that you don’t even know you are giving. Let it be automated and secretive, spontaneous and natural.

Rewards are the rule not exception, because God is not a debtor to anyone. You simply can’t out-give God. Today, listen to him telling us: “If you trust me, you will earn enough miles so you can fly.”

Adapted from the sermon, “Giving is Receiving" by Dr. Mathew P. John at ICA (September 30, 2018).

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