7 Lessons From a Young Girl

Apostle Paul. William Carey. Amy Carmichael. Jim Elliot. Billy Graham.

These names shout of God’s great mission. But you don’t have to be a popular name to be a missionary used by God.

There are characters in the Bible who may not be popular from a human perspective, but they teach us great lessons about missions.

Read the story of the young girl in 2 Kings 5.

Why would the Holy Spirit record her story in scripture?

Here are seven lessons we can learn from this young girl:

  1. Be DIGNIFIED. The slave girl had no role or status in Naaman’s household. Yet she worked with such excellence that she won the trust and respect of her mistress.
  2. Be ADAPTABLE. As a slave girl in captivity, she had every reason to complain. Yet she adapted to an unknown environment with success.
  3. Be COMMITTED. She was committed to loving the people with the love of God—even those who held her captive. She was committed to sharing the truth with them.
  4. Be DEPENDABLE. When we are dependable in work, love and truth, like the young girl, people will trust and listen to us.
  5. Be DISCIPLINED. Although she lost her identity as a free woman, she never allowed negative thoughts to enslave her. She was disciplined in her thought life, emotions and actions.
  6. Be a RISK TAKER. She risked her life to share about her God and the prophet of God of Israel. If Naaman didn’t receive healing, the young girl would have been beheaded. God will do great wonders when we take a risk and step out in faith.
  7. Be PRAYERFUL. She must have prayed earnestly which gave her the boldness to speak to her mistress. When we work, we work. But when we pray, God works.

God honored the young slave girl. Her missionary statement (v. 3) led to miracles of healing and restoration, but also glorified the name of the God of Israel. She did what the people in Israel couldn’t.

Let our lives be dignified in every sphere of life. Today, be freed from the negative thoughts. Spend more time in prayer. Be sensitive to the nudge and knock of the Holy Spirit. Step out in faith.

God has a great mission for you.

Adapted from the sermon: “7 Lessons From a Young Girl” by Mrs. Starla Mercy Luke at ICA (August 19, 2018).

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